Thursday, September 30, 2010

Come Home (Software) Engineer

Everything that comes our way, changes us... many a times we do not see the change. Mind is sticky - particularly when its money or company. Money changes our beliefs, make us risk averse, puts on a track that we did not want to be in. Equally powerful influence is of people we work with, the company we keep. I realize that i picked some of the habits i actually hated. The sum of all this is that one is on wrong track, wrong role at job and is behaving differently from one wanted to. Lost Home. Hmmmm ... time to go back home.

So, why did i like my job of software engineer? Here is the list to check and rank,

Solving hard problems
Understanding things
Making Money, financial security
Being powerful
Build word class products
Being most intelligent in group
Be a leader, create leaders
Business alignment
Build big architectures - like big bridges in civil world

To me this quote shows the spirit of engineer:
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.

To me creativity, knowledge and solving problem come at the top. And i like solving problems that take some time - not the ones that are just memory recall away. And my day job should be filled with these.

It is to recall that we software engineers have a pact with GOD, He doesn't write code and we don't do miracles. From being a super-hero it is to get more humble, low on ego. As Dijkstra says, "The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague."

Hiring people to write code to sell is not the same as hiring people to design and build durable, usable, dependable software.
--Larry Constantine

It is to go back to be an engineer from a hire.

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