Sunday, November 9, 2008

Architecture of a process

Evolution is a process that makes lot of us wonder. In the beginning there was a condition created ,that included lightening, that resulted in amino acids. These then got together causing proteins and cells to be formed. And from then on two steps followed continuously - mutation and reproduction. Huge number of repetitions of this caused such a variety of species, human being one of them. If God designed the process, He probably did not design it with Human Being or any other specie as the culmination. He designed a process that would go on and improve. Wonder what would happen if any one of this steps was missing the process would not yield. Lot of repetitions of this step - much like fractals - causes results that make us wonder. It would simply be not possible to design human specie as an independent design.

Assume that God was in the process of designing this. In the first release of design He would make reproduction as primary requirement. Once cells were designed, He would have then thought of bringing change in the cell to make evolution possible. Mutation is also very carefully designed, because any mutation we try artificially results in certain death. As a software engineer i am inclined to think of God writing a program (in assembly language with UAGC blocks, a DNA being a module). Every time we muck with the code the program fails. In a computer program as long as i write syntactically correct program, the program will run. It may not achieve anything meaningful, it may not terminate but it will run till an 'exit' is called. God's designed the virtual machine (that runs the program) that terminates syntactically correct programs. This deviation from randomness to get optimal results is also evident in "scale free design -

Architecture is not just a structure that one sets in the beginning and then it stands touched. It is more like a process. Once the principles or say fundamental steps are followed over years product gets better and better. If Amazon asks its engineers about what happens millions of people access a program, it is an example of architecture of a process that results in scalable systems. I would say REST is also another example of same. SOA Choreography gives a base wherein one can create such an architecture.

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